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3 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns

how to improve email marketing campaigns

With so many email platforms out there, Mailchimp, MailerLite, Constant Contact, and the like, getting started with an email campaign is rather easy. Once you get started, improving your email marketing campaign can be a little bit more challenging. With that in mind, I put together three ways on how to improve your email marketing campaign.

1. Segment Your List

Segmenting your list is the easiest way to improve your email campaign. The hard part is how to segment the list. Recently, I wrote an article about segmenting your email list. In that article, I describe the mechanics of using an email platform like Mailchimp to create the segments.

One of the most significant benefits is that you can better target the audience within that list. If you have many products with different audiences, this can be particularly useful. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t cross-promote your products. However, if an audience member continues to get irrelevant information delivered to their inbox, there’s a good chance that they will unsubscribe from that list. Ninety percent of the emails you send to an audience segment should be relevant to their needs.

2. Don’t Skimp On the Content

“No one reads emails anymore,” I call BS. People will engage with what is relevant to them, and this is the case whether you write a book, a blog, or an email.

Isn’t a picture worth a thousand words? However, with one caveat. People are reading emails more and more on mobile devices. If your image has a bunch of detail or wording across the picture, it may not be as readable on small devices because the image shrinks with the screen size. Copy tends to be much easier to read on a phone partly because you can adjust the size of the lettering. Also, the phone screens are so clear these days that it rivals printed text.

My point is that you can’t assume just because you added a button with a call to action that people are going to take that action. What businesses sometimes forget is that your audience probably doesn’t find your product as exciting as you do. You still have to convince them to take action. Good, relevant copy targeted to the reader, regardless of its delivery, is essential, even in an email.

3.Test The Delivery Time and Regularity

When businesses set out to do email marketing campaigns, they tend to have a set routine in mind. They say things like, “I’ll do a weekly email to stay in front of my customers,” or “I’ll do a monthly newsletter to keep my customers up to date with what is going on.” These are all excellent starting points, but honestly, your audience is going to dictate how and when your email campaign is delivered. It would be best if you were open-minded.

The rule of thumb most campaigns follow is to deliver their email on either a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday morning, which means that everyone is following those same rules. Let me ask a question, do you not open emails on Mondays or Fridays? One experiment I like to do is split a list in half and test the same message on different days. One thing to keep in mind that if you do testing, only try one experiment at a time.

Garbage In, Garbage Out

All these methods are all well and good; however, if you have crappy content, you are pretty much wasting your time. Poor writing, unengaging subject lines, and irrelevant content will hamper your email campaign. In an article, I wrote, “3 Steps to Crafting a Message that Separates You From Your Competition,” I layout some content ideas to help drive traffic.  Ultimately, it will be at the expense of a valuable tool to stay in touch with your audience.

As a business owner, you need to learn about your audience and how to engage them. If you are unsure, I wrote an article on how to use surveys to get valuable marketing data. In the article, I go through the process of conducting studies with your current customers. The process will help improve your products and services as well as your business as a whole.

Tying It Up In a Lovely Knot

I laid out three simple methods on how to improve your email marketing campaign. Ultimately, though, it comes down to content. If your audience is not interested, it’s because you are not engaging, and you are going to lose them.

We all suffer from shiny object syndrome and what is the next big thing. Your audience is no different. If your competition comes along with a more compelling message, your “loyal” customers will bolt. We are all fickle when it comes to the products we buy. However, delivering the right message to the right people at the right time will always be a winning strategy.